Docker on macOS M1

Although I’m a Linux user, I also recently bought a Mac Air M1, and I wanted to use Docker (a big part of my TDD book) to ensure that my projects based on Docker work on m1 as well.

I then went to the Docker website for macOS and downloaded the version for the Apple m1 chip:

Then, I continued with the installation:

Let’s start it. Although m1 is fast, starting Docker Desktop takes some time.

Although I’m already familiar with Docker (on Linux), I decided to follow the “getting started” tutorial, which is well done:

At least, I’m sure that Docker is working on this machine.

The desktop app is well done, with a few sections to inspect Images, Containers, etc.

And, of course, there’s the “Preferences” section. For the moment, I stick with the defaults.

From the terminal, I ran the usual “hello-world” image:

I also tried to run a Ubuntu container. Inside the container, I verified that it’s running an “aarch64” version instead of the x86 one (“amd64”).

I also installed “file” to verify that it’s using aarch64 binaries (“arm64”):

From the Desktop application, you can quickly enter a container with a terminal:

Now, it’s time to verify that my Java projects based on Docker work as expected.

Java & Maven

This is a simple Maven example (a pom.xml file) that uses the to start and stop a MySql container:

Run “mvn docker:start” to start a MySql container with a random mapped port. The command will wait for the container to be ready (it looks for a “ready” string within 20 seconds). After the command succeeds, the container will be running in the background. Run “mvn docker:stop” to stop the started container.

To avoid errors in this shape:

You need a recent version of the For example, 0.38.1. It also works with the current latest version, 0.40.2.

Actually, the first time I tried this project, it did not work (not because of the above error), but after a recent update, it started to work, maybe because of this added link:

Note that not all the images are available for this architecture “aarch64”. For example, if you try to use this older version of “mysql”, you get this error:

However, you can force the intel architecture for an image, as documented here, e.g., with this environment variable correctly set:

For example, for the above Maven project:

If you now enter the container, you can verify that you’re running an x86_64 image:

However, such images will run slower because they are emulated:


I also use Testcontainers to start Docker containers from the JUnit tests in my projects.

For example, I’m using this example from my TDD book, and it works out of the box.

Eclipse Docker Tooling

Currently, the Eclipse plugin for Docker, Docker Tooling, does not work: it cannot connect to Docker. This has been reported (, and a patch is available to make it work: follow the instructions detailed here I tested it, and it works:

To summarize, using Docker on macOS m1 seems to work fine! 🙂

One thought on “Docker on macOS M1

  1. Mike

    I came across your post. It is very well written. It was able to get me through a few issues I had with my Mac Mini M1. The only outstanding issue I still see with running Docker on a M1 or M2 is the lack of USB pass through from host to container. This support works perfectly well on a Windows or Linux host. But for whatever reason Docker for M1/M2 does not support it.


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