This is a quick post about having nice fonts in Eclipse in Windows 11, based on my experience (maybe I had bad luck with the default configurations of Eclipse and/or Windows).
When I bought my Acer Aspire Vero, I found Windows 11 installed, and now and then, I’m using Windows 11 (though I’m using Linux most of the time). As an Eclipse user, I immediately installed Eclipse. However, I found the default fonts were really ugly:
Indeed, “Courier New” is not the most beautiful mono-space font 😉
Other applications look nice in Windows 11, including text editors. They use, by default, “Lucida Console”, which looks OK:
Indeed, Eclipse uses “Consolas” for other Text parts:
“Consolas” looks even better than “Lucida”! I changed that in Eclipse also for the standard Text font, and the result looks nice to me:
Nice, isn’t it? 🙂