My Ansible Role for KDE

I have already started blogging about Ansible; in particular, I have shown how to develop and test an Ansible role with Molecule and Docker, also on Gitpod. I have also shown my Ansible role for GNOME.

This blog post will describe my Ansible role for installing the KDE Plasma desktop environment with several programs and configurations. As for the other roles I’ve blogged about, this one is tested with Molecule and Docker and can be developed with Gitpod (see the linked posts above). In particular, it is tested in Arch, Ubuntu, and Fedora.

This role is for my personal installation and configuration and is not meant to be reusable.

The role can be found here:

The role assumes that at least the basic KDE DE is already installed in the Linux distribution. The role then installs several programs I’m using daily and performs a few configurations (it also installs a few extensions I use).

At the time of writing, the role has the following directory structure, which is standard for Ansible roles tested with Molecule.

The role has a few requirements, listed in “requirements.yml”:

These requirements must also be present in playbooks using this role; my playbooks (which I’ll write about in future articles) have such dependencies in the requirements.

Let’s have a look at the main file “tasks/main.yml”, which is quite long, so I’ll show its parts and comment on the relevant parts gradually.

This shows a few debugging details about the current Linux distribution. Indeed, the whole role has conditional tasks and variables depending on the current Linux distribution.

The file installs a few KDE programs I’m using in KDE.

The “vars/main.yml” only defines a few default variables used above:

As seen above, a few packages have a different name in Ubuntu (Debian), which is overridden.

Then, I configure a few things in the KDE configuration (.ini) files and set a few keyboard shortcuts. The configuration should be self-explanatory.

Then, I ensure Kate is the default editor for textual files (including XML files, which otherwise, would be opened with the default browser); I also configure a few Kate preferences:

Then, I copy a few Konsole profiles (and the corresponding color schemes, see the directory “files/konsole”) and also configure the Yakuake drop-down terminal:

The final part deals with configuring the Kwallet manager to store SSH key passphrases, which, in KDE, has always been a pain to get correctly (at least, now, I have a configuration that I know works on all the distributions mentioned above):

Concerning Molecule, I have several scenarios. As I said, I tested this role in Arch, Ubuntu, and Fedora, so I have a scenario for each operating system. The “default” scenario is Arch, which nowadays is my daily driver.

For Ubuntu, we have a “prepare.yml” file:

The reason for this is explained in my previous posts on Ansible and Molecule.

I have a similar “prepare.yml” for the default scenario, Arch.

I have nothing to verify for this role in the “verify.yml”. I just want to ensure that the Ansible role can be run (and is idempotent) in Arch, Ubuntu, and Fedora.

Of course, this is tested on GitHub Actions and can be developed directly on the web IDE Gitpod.

I hope you find this post useful for inspiration on how to use Ansible to automatize your Linux installations 🙂

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