LazyVim has just released version 14, with some new, interesting, and breaking features.
The first breaking feature is that Telescope is no longer the default fuzzy finder picker; the default is fzf-lua. I haven’t been using Neovim for a long time, but I do like Telescope, and I’m not sure I like the new picker.
Here’s a screenshot using Telescope:
Here’s the one using fzf-lua:
Maybe it’s just a matter of configuring the size and dimensions of the window, but I prefer Telescope: I can read the items better, while in fzf-lua, the list width is too short.
This can be seen better when using a folder with a deep subfolder, for example, based on my previous Neovim, Java, and LazyVim post. For example, with Telescope:
While with fzf-lua I can hardly see the names of the files:
The same holds when searching for keymaps (“<leader> s k”). Here’s Telescope:
And here’s fzf-lua (I don’t even understand the strange sequence of characters reported as “details” for some keymaps):
The news page tells you that you have to enable the “editor.telescope” extra to bring back Telescope as the default picker:
However, I went for the alternative shown on the “Telescope” page: it’s just a matter of setting an option (vim.g.lazyvim_picker = “telescope”) to use Telescope as the default picker:
Another change, which is not as breaking as the previous one but concerns the UI, is that the “which-key” interface now defaults to “helix”, so the useful which-key contents are not shown at the bottom of the screen as they used to be:
the contents are shown on the right:
I like this change: the which-key pop-up does not risk covering your buffer, and it can display more content more readably. With the old interface, when the cursor was near the end of the buffer, the interface could not show all the commands, and you had to scroll it. Now, it’s rarer for this to happen. I’ll keep it with the new “helix” preset.
If you look at the corresponding page, it is straightforward to change the corresponding “preset”:
The other breaking change is “blink.cmp as a replacement for nvim-cmp“; even in this case, you can revert to the old behavior by enabling the corresponding Extra. This doesn’t seem to break anything for me for the moment, so I’ll keep that.
You might also want to try the new keymaps; in particular, I like these ones:
Enjoy this new version! 🙂
Pingback: Neovim and Java with LazyVim, part 1: initial configuration | Lorenzo Bettini
hi, great advice regarding telescope. I do not like fzf right now. And i am trying to set “modern” preset in which-key this way but no success so far (vim.g.which_key_setup_preset = “modern”)…..any hint?
where did you find that preset option for which-key?
I’d see the documentation of how it is configured, see the screenshot with which-key or see here
I’d put a custom spec and use opts and preset.
I did switch to fzf myself. I did solve the size by setting the search windoS to fullscreen by default. See
Few reason to switch:
1. Lightweight and faster
2. Passing options to fzf is much better
3. Buffer is a terminal so one can use normal mode and explore content
4. More active developments
Thanks for the information. I’ll try that. But isn’t telescope with native fzf fast as well? Moreover, I had the impression that telescope is still actively maintained.