macOS 12: bye bye homebrew

If you use the Homebrew package manager in macOS and you have macOS 12 because your Mac is too old to update to a new version of macOS, you can say goodbye to Homebrew: if you try to update your brew packages, you get such a message:

If you continue with the update or install a new package, you’ll have to wait a while; packages will be compiled from the source!

For example, on my old MacBookAir 2016, I only had a few homebrew packages to upgrade:

After 3 hours (!) I gave up! Things like “zoxide” or “neovim” depend on “llvm”, which, after 30 minutes, wasn’t yet compiled completely! The other dependencies of “zoxide” still take a lot to compile; for example (look at “z3”):

Unless you’re willing to wait for several hours (I am not), I guess it’s time to say goodbye to Homebrew. As for me, it also means saying goodbye to macOS on this old MacBookAir (but still a capable computer) and trying to install Linux 🙂

You might want to look at the Homebrew issue

4 thoughts on “macOS 12: bye bye homebrew

  1. Jim Abernathy

    I also have macs too old for Apple to support. My Macbook Pro from 2012 is a good piece of hardware and I chose to install Linux on it to keep it alive. I found that some Linux distros like EOS would not boot the ISO. However, using Ventoy solved that issue for most installs when I chose the grub option.

    1. Lorenzo Bettini Post author

      Spoiler: I’ve already ditched macOS on that computer and installed Ubuntu!
      A blog post is coming soon 😉


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