Category Archives: Reports

Using the Unison File Synchronizer on macOS

For ages, I’ve been using the excellent Unison file synchronizer to synchronize my directories across several Linux machines, using the SSH protocol. I love it! 🙂 Unison gives you complete control over the synchronization, and, most of all, it’s a two-way synchronizer. Quoting from its home page: Unison is a file-synchronization tool for OSX, Unix, […]

My new book on TDD, Build Automation and Continuous Integration

I haven’t been blogging for some time now. I’m getting back to blogging by announcing my new book on TDD (Test-Driven Development), Build Automation and Continuous Integration. The title is indeed, “Test-Driven Development, Build Automation, Continuous Integration (with Java, Eclipse and friends)” and can be bought from The main goal of the book is […]

Eclipse tested with a few Gnome themes

In this small blog post I’ll show how Eclipse looks like in Linux Gnome (Ubuntu 17.10) with a few Gnome themes. First of all, the default Ubuntu theme, Ambiance, makes Eclipse look not very nice… see the icons, which are “packed” and “compressed” in the toolbar, not to mention the cut “Filter Files” textbox in […]

Dealing with Technical Debt with Sonarqube: a case study with Xsemantics

I recently started to play with Sonarqube to reduce “technical debt” and hopefully improve code quality. I’d like to report on my experiences about using Sonarqube to analyze Xsemantics, a DSL for writing rule systems (e.g., type systems) for Xtext languages. I was already using the Jenkins Continuous Integration server, and while building I was […]