Category Archives: Tutorials

Neovim and Java with LazyVim, part 4: Running programs

This is the fourth part of a few tutorials on Java development with Neovim using the LazyVim setup. This post assumes you have already read and applied all the steps of the first, second, and third parts. You need Java installed (possibly 21), while Maven is optional. I will use this Maven example during the […]

Java, Maven and Gitpod, part 5: the Formatter

This is the 5th post about using Java in Gitpod. It assumes you have already read the first, second, third, and fourth posts. We can benefit from automatic formatting. First, select (from F1) the command “View: Toggle Render Whitespaces”. We can see that the Maven archetype generated Java source code with spaces for indentation: I prefer […]

Neovim and Java with LazyVim, part 2: IDE mechanisms

This is the second part of a few tutorials on Java development with Neovim using the LazyVim setup. This post assumes you already read and applied all the steps of the first part. You need Java installed (possibly 21), while Maven is optional. I will use this Maven example during the tutorial:, part of […]

Sway in Arch Linux: other configurations

Let’s continue the Sway window manager (in Arch Linux) series I started in my previous post and continued in the other post. Screenshots We can use “grimshot”, part of sway-contrib, to take screenshots, which requires the main program for performing the actual screenshot, “grim”.

By default, such utilities are installed in “/usr/share/sway-contrib”, which is […]

Neovim and Java with LazyVim, part 1: initial configuration

Updated 16 December 2024 (for Telescope) This is the first part of a few tutorials on Java development with Neovim using the LazyVim setup. I highly recommend LazyVim because it has many cool plugins configured with nice defaults. Moreover, as we see in this tutorial, it lets you quickly have the Java LSP up and […]

Sway WM: Notifications with Mako

Let’s continue the Sway window manager (in Arch Linux) series I started in my previous post. In this post, we deal with system notifications. (This post is similar to the corresponding one about Hyprland.) We use mako, a lightweight notification daemon for Wayland, one of the optional software suggested when we installed Sway. We also […]

Sway in Arch Linux: getting started

I’m starting a new blog series about Sway, a Wayland Tiling Window Manager (the Wayland version of i3). Though I’ve already blogged about Sway, this post (and a few future ones) are intended as “getting started tutorials”. I’ll focus on Sway in Arch, in particular, EndeavourOS. Let’s start by installing EndeavourOS with no graphical environment […]

Installing EndeavourOS ARM on a PineBook Pro (August 2024)

I have already blogged about installing EndeavourOS ARM on a PineBook Pro (and previously, directly Arch ARM: the first article and the second article). This blog post will describe the new procedure for installing EndeavourOS ARM on a PineBook Pro. As usual, the instructions can be found here: Previously, there used to be three possible […]

Better KDE theming and styling in Hyprland

Recently, I blogged about using KDE applications in Hyprland. I also blogged about theming and styling them. However, I’m not very happy with that solution, so I’ll provide a possible alternative, which, in my opinion, is better. Some of the steps are similar to the ones in my previous post. I assume you’ve already installed […]

Multibooting Fedora and Arch with GRUB

I have already blogged about multibooting several different Linux distributions with GRUB. This post is a simplified and updated version of the previous post. Moreover, I made it easier to test such configurations manually: install several Linux distributions in a single KVM virtual machine. In this post, I’ll show how to configure GRUB (without os-prober, […]

Environment Variables in Sway

Setting environment variables in Hyprland is easy: just put them in its config file. Setting environment variables in Sway is a bit harder, and there seems to be some confusion. The documentation is unclear about that, at least in my humble opinion. This blog post documents my way of setting environment variables in Sway. Let’s […]

KDE theming and styling in Hyprland

Recently, I blogged about using KDE applications in Hyprland. But what about theming and styling them? I’ll show how to do that in this blog post, assuming you’ve already installed a few KDE applications, like Dolphin, Konsole, and Kate (see the above-linked blog post). WARNING: the strategy shown in this post is not optimal, in […]

The new Xbase JvmGenericTypeValidator in Xtext

The new release of Xtext 2.35.0 comes with many new cool features. I personally worked on the introduction of the JvmGenericTypeValidator. Quoting from the release notes: Automatic validation for Xbase languages The new JvmGenericTypeValidator was introduced to automatically perform several Java-related checks in the hierarchy of the inferred JvmGenericTypes of an Xbase language, with the corresponding error reporting. […]

Getting started with Rust with Visual Studio Code

I started learning Rust, and I found Visual Studio Code an excellent IDE for experimenting with Rust (in the future, I’ll also evaluate my beloved Eclipse). I thought I’d share this experience. Assuming you have already installed Rust, let’s create a project

Open Visual Studio Code in the “hello” directory

We get syntax […]