Back from EclipseCon Europe 2012

I’m really sad that EclipseCon Europe has already finished, it has been a wonderful edition with lots of very interesting presentations! My favourite ones were: Getting started with Eclipse 4 Application Development – Tutorial: The new e4 platform looks really promising and this tutorial showed most of its new interesting features, All the presentations related […]

Installing Eclipse Features via the command line

If you have many eclipse installations (with different features/plugins) and you want to have such installations in several computers (possibly with different operating systems or with different architectures), then being able to install eclipse features from the command line might be quite helpful (at least, it is for me πŸ™‚ You can find some related […]

New look!

OK, I’ve been using PmWiki for some years now for my webpage… it was time for a fresh look πŸ™‚ Let’s try WordPress then! I’ll also take the chance to host my main programming blog on this very site. Goodbye old home page πŸ™‚