Tag Archives: eclipse

A first look at Copilot in Eclipse

Microsoft announced the public review of Copilot for Eclipse. I immediately tried that in one of my Java projects. Use the “Market Place” to install Copilot in Eclipse: Once you click install, you must “trust” the contents to be installed: Once installed and restarted Eclipse, you must authenticate with your GitHub Copilot account by clicking […]

Eclipse in Hyprland 0.43

I hadn’t used Eclipse in Hyprland for a while. It used to work correctly; however, starting from somewhere in version 0.41, something broke, and it’s still broken in the current (at the time of writing) version 0.43. When I execute Eclipse in Hyprland, i.e., in Wayland mode, the trees in Eclipse, e.g., Package Explorer (but […]

The new Xbase JvmGenericTypeValidator in Xtext

The new release of Xtext 2.35.0 comes with many new cool features. I personally worked on the introduction of the JvmGenericTypeValidator. Quoting from the release notes: Automatic validation for Xbase languages The new JvmGenericTypeValidator was introduced to automatically perform several Java-related checks in the hierarchy of the inferred JvmGenericTypes of an Xbase language, with the corresponding error reporting. […]

Xtext, monorepo and Maven/Tycho

TL; DR: Xtext sources are now in a single Git monorepo (https://github.com/eclipse/xtext), and the build infrastructure is based entirely on Maven/Tycho (Gradle is not used anymore). Background A few years ago, Xtext sources were split into 6 separate GitHub repositories. I did not take part in that decision (I guess at that time, I wasn’t […]

Some benchmarks for building an Eclipse project: Linux, Windows, macOS (M1)

I want to share some benchmarks for building an Eclipse project with Maven/Tycho. I built the project on Linux, Windows, and macOS (in particular, on my Mac Air M1 2020). I stressed that the macOS environment is an M1, the new Arm-based chip from Apple, which is said to be quite efficient and performant. However, […]

Finding a type in the classpath of an Eclipse Java project

Recently, I started to contribute and maintain Pitclipse, an Eclipse plugin for running mutation testing with PIT. We needed a mechanism to detect whether JUnit 5 is in the classpath of a Java project (so that we could run PIT with its JUnit 5 plugin). The first implementation of such a mechanism was rather cumbersome […]

Eclipse p2 site references

Say you publish a p2 repository for your Eclipse bundles and features. Typically your bundles and features will depend on something external (other Eclipse bundles and features). The users of your p2 repository will have to also use the p2 repositories of the dependencies of your software otherwise they won’t be able to install your […]

Publishing an Eclipse p2 composite repository on GitHub Pages

I had already described the process of publishing an Eclipse p2 composite update site: Publish an Eclipse p2 composite repository on Bintray Publish an Eclipse p2 repository on Sourceforge with rsync Well, now that Bintray is shutting down, and Sourceforge is quite slow in serving an Eclipse update site, I decided to publish my Eclipse […]

Remove SNAPSHOT and Qualifier in Maven/Tycho Builds

Before releasing Maven artifacts, you remove the -SNAPSHOT from your POMs. If you develop Eclipse projects and build with Maven and Tycho, you have to keep the versions in the POMs and the versions in MANIFEST, feature.xml and other Eclipse project artifacts consistent. Typically when you release an Eclipse p2 site, you don’t remove the […]

My new book on TDD, Build Automation and Continuous Integration

I haven’t been blogging for some time now. I’m getting back to blogging by announcing my new book on TDD (Test-Driven Development), Build Automation and Continuous Integration. The title is indeed, “Test-Driven Development, Build Automation, Continuous Integration (with Java, Eclipse and friends)” and can be bought from https://leanpub.com/tdd-buildautomation-ci. The main goal of the book is […]

Eclipse tested with a few Gnome themes

In this small blog post I’ll show how Eclipse looks like in Linux Gnome (Ubuntu 17.10) with a few Gnome themes. First of all, the default Ubuntu theme, Ambiance, makes Eclipse look not very nice… see the icons, which are “packed” and “compressed” in the toolbar, not to mention the cut “Filter Files” textbox in […]

Analyzing Eclipse plug-in projects with Sonarqube

In this tutorial I’m going to show how to analyze multiple Eclipse plug-in projects with Sonarqube. In particular, I’m going to focus on peculiarities that have to be taken care of due to the standard way Sonarqube analyzes sources and to the structure of typical Eclipse plug-in projects (concerning tests and code coverage). The code […]

How to add Eclipse launcher in Gnome dock

In this post I’ll show how to add an Eclipse launcher as a favorite (pinned) application in the Gnome dock (I’m using Ubuntu Artful). This post is inspired by http://blog.ttoine.net/en/2016/06/30/how-to-add-eclipse-neon-launcher-in-gnu-linux-menus-and-launchers/. First of all, you need to create a .desktop file, where you need to specify the full path of your Eclipse installation:

This is relative […]

JaCoCo Code Coverage and Report of multiple Eclipse plug-in projects

In this tutorial I’ll show how to use Jacoco with Maven/Tycho to create a code coverage report of multiple Eclipse plug-in projects. The code of the example is available here: https://github.com/LorenzoBettini/tycho-multiproject-jacoco-report-example. This is the structure of the projects: Each project’s code is tested in a specific .tests project. The code consists of simple Java classes doing […]