Tag Archives: maven

Neovim and Java with LazyVim, part 4: Running programs

This is the fourth part of a few tutorials on Java development with Neovim using the LazyVim setup. This post assumes you have already read and applied all the steps of the first, second, and third parts. You need Java installed (possibly 21), while Maven is optional. I will use this Maven example during the […]

Java, Maven and Gitpod, part 5: the Formatter

This is the 5th post about using Java in Gitpod. It assumes you have already read the first, second, third, and fourth posts. We can benefit from automatic formatting. First, select (from F1) the command “View: Toggle Render Whitespaces”. We can see that the Maven archetype generated Java source code with spaces for indentation: I prefer […]

Xtext, monorepo and Maven/Tycho

TL; DR: Xtext sources are now in a single Git monorepo (https://github.com/eclipse/xtext), and the build infrastructure is based entirely on Maven/Tycho (Gradle is not used anymore). Background A few years ago, Xtext sources were split into 6 separate GitHub repositories. I did not take part in that decision (I guess at that time, I wasn’t […]

Maven profiles that are really active by default

While working on my TDD book, I played with Maven profiles to write the chapter. If you use Maven profiles, you might want to use an activation strategy to enable the profile under certain circumstances automatically. There’s also a particular option, “<activeByDefault>”, which seems self-explanatory. This must mean that that profile will be constantly active […]

Caching dependencies in GitHub Actions

I recently started to port all my Java projects from Travis CI to GitHub Actions, since Travis CI changed its pricing model. (I’ll soon update also my book on TDD and Build Automation under that respect.) I’ve always used caching mechanisms during the builds in Travis CI, to speed up the builds: caching Maven dependencies, […]

Remove SNAPSHOT and Qualifier in Maven/Tycho Builds

Before releasing Maven artifacts, you remove the -SNAPSHOT from your POMs. If you develop Eclipse projects and build with Maven and Tycho, you have to keep the versions in the POMs and the versions in MANIFEST, feature.xml and other Eclipse project artifacts consistent. Typically when you release an Eclipse p2 site, you don’t remove the […]

Publishing a Maven Site to GitHub Pages

In this tutorial I’d like to show how to publish a Maven Site to GitHub Pages. You can find several documents on the web about this subject, but I decided to publish one myself because the documents I found refer to a deprecated plugin (https://github.com/github/maven-plugins/tree/master/github-site-plugin) or show complicated settings, also when using the official Maven […]

My new book on TDD, Build Automation and Continuous Integration

I haven’t been blogging for some time now. I’m getting back to blogging by announcing my new book on TDD (Test-Driven Development), Build Automation and Continuous Integration. The title is indeed, “Test-Driven Development, Build Automation, Continuous Integration (with Java, Eclipse and friends)” and can be bought from https://leanpub.com/tdd-buildautomation-ci. The main goal of the book is […]

Analyzing Xtend code with Sonarqube

I recently started to play with Sonarqube to reduce “technical debt” and hopefully improve code quality (see my previous post). I’d like to report on my experiences about using Sonarqube to analyze Xtend code. Xtend compiles into Java source code, so it looks like it is trivial to analyze it with Sonarqube; of course, Sonarqube will analyze […]

Dealing with Technical Debt with Sonarqube: a case study with Xsemantics

I recently started to play with Sonarqube to reduce “technical debt” and hopefully improve code quality. I’d like to report on my experiences about using Sonarqube to analyze Xsemantics, a DSL for writing rule systems (e.g., type systems) for Xtext languages. I was already using the Jenkins Continuous Integration server, and while building I was […]