Tag Archives: p2

Eclipse p2 site references

Say you publish a p2 repository for your Eclipse bundles and features. Typically your bundles and features will depend on something external (other Eclipse bundles and features). The users of your p2 repository will have to also use the p2 repositories of the dependencies of your software otherwise they won’t be able to install your […]

Publishing an Eclipse p2 composite repository on GitHub Pages

I had already described the process of publishing an Eclipse p2 composite update site: Publish an Eclipse p2 composite repository on Bintray Publish an Eclipse p2 repository on Sourceforge with rsync Well, now that Bintray is shutting down, and Sourceforge is quite slow in serving an Eclipse update site, I decided to publish my Eclipse […]

Publish an Eclipse p2 composite repository on Bintray

In a previous post I showed how to manage an Eclipse composite p2 repository and how to publish an Eclipse p2 composite repository on Sourceforge. In this post I’ll show a similar procedure to publish an Eclipse p2 composite repository on Bintray. The procedure is part of the Maven/Tycho build so that it is fully […]

Build your own custom Eclipse

In this tutorial I’ll show how to build a custom Eclipse distribution with Maven/Tycho. We will create an Eclipse distribution including our own features/plugins and standard Eclipse features, trying to keep the size of the final distribution small. The code of the example can be found at: https://github.com/LorenzoBettini/customeclipse-example First of all, we want to mimic the […]

Publish an Eclipse p2 repository on Sourceforge with rsync

This can be seen as a follow-up post of my previous post on building Eclipse p2 composite repositories. In this blog post I’ll show an automatic way for publishing an Eclipse p2 (composite) repository (a.k.a. update site) on Sourceforge, using rsync for synchronization. You may find online many posts about publishing update sites on Github pages […]

Creating p2 composite repositories during the build

I like to build p2 composite repositories for all my Eclipse projects, to keep all the versions available for consumption. Quoting from https://wiki.eclipse.org/Equinox/p2/Composite_Repositories_(new) The goal of composite repositories is to make this task easier by allowing you to have a parent repository which refers to multiple children. Users are then able to reference the parent repository […]

Building an Eclipse RCP Product with Buckminster

Revision History 9 May 2013 Updated listings to reflect the git repository sources. Put a tip on using a mirror aggregated with b3. In this tutorial I’ll show how to use Buckminster to build an Eclipse RCP Product, both in the IDE and headlessly (with ant). The application I’m building is the standard Eclipse Mail […]